Television Broadcast Information:
This broadcast information pertains only to Rhode Island public access television broadcast.
Broadcast times and channels
Saturday, at 7:00 PM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9
Sunday, at 8:00 AM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9
Monday, at 9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9 Wednesday, at 5:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Thursday, at 9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Note: Cox channel 18 is broadcast locally in Kent County only, which includes Coventry; East Greenwich; Exeter; North Kingstown; Warwick; West Greenwich and West Warwick.
Verizon channel 31 is broadcast locally except in Barrington, Bristol, Warren, Jamestown, Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Portsmouth, and Tiverton.
See below for specific CURRENT and UPCOMING program broadcast information.
ARCHIVED programs follow current and upcoming listings.
If you are not able to find a particular archived show here, please visit our online video channel. Archived programs have been broadcast on Rhode Island public access television channels and can be viewed online at your convenience on the State of the State RI channel on To view archived videos, go to
To view broadcast information: scroll down for current and upcoming programs.
To view a particular program: click on the image or the link. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Television broadcast dates, times and channels
Saturday, Feb 1, 8 at
11:00 PM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9
Sunday, Feb 2, 9 at
8:00 AM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9
Monday, Feb 3, 10 at
9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Wednesday, Feb 5, 12 at
9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Thursday, Feb 6, 13 at
9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Production One: A Discussion with Rep. Jason Knight (1-27-2025)
Guest: Jason Knight, RI
Host: Richard August Time: 32 mins
Description: Representative Knight discusses a variety
of topics of public interest. They include Rank Choice Voting: RI State budget;
spending within means of State budget; Governor McKee’s assault weapons ban and
a similar ban Rep. Knight plans to introduce; pallet houses for homeless
persons; Washington Bridge problem and reconstruction; proposed tax on electric
vehicles; reinstatement of tolling trucks; and much in between.
Video channel link:
YouTube link:
Television broadcast dates, times and channels
Saturday, Feb 1, 8 at
11:00 PM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9
Sunday, Feb 2, 9 at
8:00 AM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9
Monday, Feb 3, 10 at
9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Wednesday, Feb 5, 12 at
9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Thursday, Feb 6, 13 at
9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Production Two: What’s Happened Since Donald Trump’s Inauguration? (1-27-2025)
Guest: Richard August, State of
the State Host and Guest, Today
Host: John Carlevale Time: 28 mins
Description: August discusses wide ranging topics and
concerns. Much of this includes Trump’s actions regarding his changes to
policies and programs and his controversial appointments. Included are former presidential
appointees he has removed from office. The removal of illegal immigrants has
begun as promised. The huge Defense Department budget has Trump’s concern along
with its effectiveness to manage its broad worldwide involvements. The USA’s
national debt is mindboggling! USA’s broad involvements as peace maker and
military aid to other countries at war are a huge concern. Briefly at the end
August discusses matters of concern in Rhode Island.
Video channel
YouTube link:
Television broadcast dates, times and channels
Saturday, Jan 18 + 25 at
11:00 PM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9
Sunday, Jan 19 + 26 at
8:00 AM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9
Monday, Jan 20 + 27 at
9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Wednesday, Jan 22 + 29
at 9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Thursday, Jan 23 + 30 at
9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Production One: Did Donald Trump Receive a “Mandate” in 2024? (1-13-2025)
Guest: Richard August, State
of the State Host and Guest today,
Host: John Carlevale Time: 30 mins
Description: After reviewing many differing points of
view, August shares these different opinions as well as his views. Topics cover
the notion of a mandate; controversial cabinet picks; roadblocks from Biden
administration; can Trump Make America Great Again in just one term?; should
illegal immigrants be deported?; what actions to be taken regarding Ukraine and
Israel wars; and much more.
Video channel link:
YouTube link:
Television broadcast dates, times and channels
Saturday, Jan 18 + 25 at
11:00 PM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9
Sunday, Jan 19 + 26 at
8:00 AM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9
Monday, Jan 20 + 27 at
9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Wednesday, Jan 22 + 29
at 9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Thursday, Jan 23 + 30 at
9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Production Two: Cicilline’s First Year at R.I. Foundation and a Look at Next 5-year Action
Plan. (1-13-2025)
Guest: David Cicilline,
President and CEO, R.I. Foundation,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo Time: 30 mins
Description: President and CEO Cicilline provides a brief history of the RI
Foundation, which is the second oldest non-profit agency in the US founded in
1916. He reviews his first year or so and also talks about the Next 5-year
Action Plan. As is typical of Cicilline, his discussion is interesting,
informative of the agency, its work force, its accomplishments over time; its
multiple partnerships; and his optimism of things to come.
Video channel link:
YouTube link:
Update: Operation Stand Down RI (12-9-2024)
Guest: Erik Wallin, Executive Director, Operation Stand Down RI,
Host: John Carlevale Time: 30 mins
Description: Guest Wallin offers a history of the founding of Operation Stand Down RI by Tony DeQuattro and his own participation to date as Executive Director. OSDRI began with no federal or state support when it started to build a coalition of resources and volunteers to meet the needs of veterans. Services offered currently include but are not limited to physical and mental health support, housing, finding work and work support, restoring family connections and support and so much more. Service providers are veterans who share a commonality with clients which greatly contribute to their success.
Video channel:
Update: RI State Police Museum (12-9-2024)
Guest: Lt. Kenneth Bowman, Ret,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo Time: 30 mins
Description: Guest Bowman is a dedicated member of RI State Police Museum. He brings us up to date on what has taken place over the past couple of years in so far as the Museum itself and it also has become an educational setting for the public as well as RI State Police. He also shares with us via photos what has been added to the museum, changes in dress and tools, and some historical acknowledgements. Lastly he shares a historical book which has been recently published by many contributors who have lived their lives as RI State Police, both males and females. This book is now available to the public.
Video channel:
Production: RI Civil Rights Enforcement Act (11-25-2024)
Guest: Richard Sinapi, Esq., Sinapi Law Associates, Ltd.,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Time: 28 mins
Description: Attorney Richard Sinapi has proposed that the RI General Assembly pass a law entitled RI Civil Rights Enforcement Act. Why? Because Supreme Court/Federal Court decisions over the past 26 years has rendered many of our state constitutional rights unenforceable. This proposal was introduced in 2024 with no opposition however the bill was not passed into law. Other states have been similarly affected and 23 states have passed corrective laws. Sinapi gives a comprehensive overview of the proposed law and why it needs to be passed.
Video channel:
Production: Implications of Trump’s Presidency Domestically and Internationally (11-25-2024)
Guests: Richard August, State of the State Host and Guest.
Reggie Centracchio, Lieutenant General, National Guard Retired
Host: John Carlevale
Time: 60 mins
Description: Our well informed guests ponder and speculate the implications of Trump’s presidency domestically and internationally. They discuss questions like did trump receive a “mandate” from voters; why did he do so well in many “blue states”; what will his cabinet look like; can “the swamp”- the “fourth branch of government” be drained or more realistically be refashioned. Other topics discussed: media outlets; deportation of illegals and non-cooperation of governors, etc. What about international matters throughout the world and their impact on the United States.
Video channel: State of the State RI on Vimeo
Production: Allen
Waters for US Congress (10-28-24)
Guest: Allen Waters, Candidate for US
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo Time: 30 mins
Description: Waters’ concerns about our nation becoming
more divided and the rapid change in American values and attitudes toward each
other have motivated him to become politically active. He shares his views on
numerous political matters such as abortion; 2nd Amendment rights;
the huge military/industrial complex; huge national debt; personal liberty;
free enterprise and much more. On the local level is the matter of holding a
constitutional convention and other local concerns.
Video channel:
Update: Situation in Ukraine and the Middle East. (10-28-24)
Guest: Richard August, State of the State Host and Guest.
Host: John Carlevale Time: 60 mins
Description: August discusses a number of recently discovered facts and conditions that offer further insight on the one hand and even greater concerns on the other pertaining to Israel, Ukraine, and United States. These all beg numerous questions: Is the United States actually at war in Israel and against Iran? Is there any realistic attainable solution to the conflict in Ukraine? Are Americans being accurately and honestly informed by leadership? These are the “tip of the iceberg” regarding the content of this interview.
Video channel:
Production One: Shall RI Hold a Constitutional Convention? #2 (10-15-2024)
Guests: Michael Marcello, former RI Rep and Scituate Councilman, and Providence Lawyer
Michael Salzillo, Providence College senior and political blogger
Host: Richard August Time: 60 mins
Description: Our guests support holding a Rhode Island constitutional convention. This process is part of the RI Constitution and if offers an opportunity for citizens to improve how their government works. A broad number of topics which might be address were discussed. They include some of the following: the right to bear arms; establishing an Inspector General function; the Governor and Lt. Governor positions elected as a team; amendments to “Home Rule”; two body vs one body legislature; full time legislature; length of term; consolidation of school districts; addressing voting issues; and much more.
Video channel:
Rhode Island League of Women Voters at Work (9-23-2024)
Guests: Hollie Courage, Past President RI LWV and current website manager
Christine Martone, Current President of South County LWV
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo Time: 30 mins
Description: Guests Courage and Martone discuss the history of the League of Women Voters and the important role Rhode Islanders played in its formation and proudly noted that Rhode Islanders obtained the first charter. Although the right to vote was essential and prominent in their work, other issues and concerns have emerged. Most recently is the codification of the right to reproductive rights in RI. Our guests mention many other activities they are engaged in such as encouraging voter registration, recognizing teachers who creatively encourage civic knowledge and involvement and much more…
Video channel:
Why Hold a Rhode Island Constitutional Convention? (9-9-2024)
Guest: Adam S. Myers, Professor of Political Science at Providence College
Host: Richard August Time: 60 mins
Description: Guest Myers and Host August discuss the pros and cons of holding a Constitutional Convention, which was last held in 1986. They agree that it is long overdue and needed to improve government functions. Voters will be asked to decide by voting on a referendum during the general election this coming November. Topics discusses included: term limits, changes in voting system, proportional representation, enabling new political parties, need for an Inspector General, recall procedures vs. impeachment, removal of life tenure for court justices, budget line-item veto for Governor, school choice, one legislative body rather than two, and much more.
Video channel:
What Is Happening at Varnum Armory Museum? (8-26-2024)
Guest: Patrick Donovan, Executive Director, Varrnum Armory Museum
Host: Richard August
Time: 30 mins
Description: This is an update about what is happening now and soon to come. Some of the notables are the Gettysburg Gun exhibit and a soon to be published book Forever Silent: about the complex history of the Gettysburg Gun. New exhibits include the Bull Run Gun; a Vietnam War exhibit; and a special exhibit and letter from President George W. Bush regarding and honoring Rhode Islander Captain Mathew August, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard August. A rather interesting, different, and humorous story about the most atypical Tennallytown Cannon and the family which kept the gun in hiding but eventually had to give it up to the enemy. For more information go to
Video channel:
Sen Jessica de la Cruz Discusses Her Candidacy for Reelection (8-26-2024)
Guest: Jessica de la Cruz, District 23, Senate Minority Leader
Host: Richard August
Time: 30 minutes
Description: Senator de la Cruz eagerly discussed her legislative activity in conjunction with certain House Democrats who were interested in similar legislation as she. She also discussed her positions on other matters such as school choice, English inefficiency, the matter of holding a RI Constitutional Convention, and some preferred topics such as the need for an Inspector General, the renovation of Zambrano Hospital. As Senate Minority Leader, she is a Second Amendment advocate which is based on the US Constitution and the insight of the Founders.
Video channel:
Look at Ukraine, Middle East, NATO and US Presidential Election (8-13-24)
Guest: Richard August, State of the State Host and today Guest
Host: John Carlevale Time: 60 mins
Description: At the onset, guest August begins to
interview Host Carlevale about how State of the State production
started in part to illustrate how things change in response to current circumstances.
This has been the case currently in Ukraine, Middle East, NATO and the current US
Presidential Election. These changes are occurring rapidly and are causing many
concerns many Americans have begun to question and to express their
apprehensions. August addresses many of these apprehensions based on his broad
review of multiple sources of information within and outside of the USA.
Video channel:
Senior Agenda Coalition of R.I. at Work (7-22-24)
Guests: Maureen Maigret, Policy Advisor, Senior Agenda Coalition of R.I.,
Diane Santos, Board Chair of the Senior Agenda Coalition of R.I., Senior Agenda Coalition of Rhode Island
Host: Richard August Time: 60 mins
Description: Guests Maigret and Santos introduce us to Senior Agenda Coalition of R.I. They discuss its origins and its place and work today on behalf of senior citizens in Rhode Island. The organization’s work broadly includes communication, public education, advocacy, and legislative action. Guests discussion of these broad categories includes but is not limited to the following: the graying of our population and it’s value; its needs and struggles like health care, nursing home care, home care, Social Security, Medicare and much more; and what their agency has done to address these matters. NOTE: The agency shall sponsor a Conference on October 9th entitled “A Bridge to a Secure Future” at Crown Plaza which is open to the public.
Video channel:
Presidential Debate; Issues Facing Candidates and Nation; Wars in Ukraine, Israel, Etc. (6-24-24)
Guest: Richard August Host: John Carlevale Time: 60 mins
Description: Our guest Richard August is a student of history and politics. He shares his views and concerns regarding the upcoming presidential election and the many issues and concerns facing the next president. Among these are the presidential candidates themselves; the matters they will face and grapple with upon being elected; the impact of these matters on the nation and its citizens; the escalation of the wars in Ukraine, Israel, and elsewhere; and the increasing role of and its cost to the USA and its citizens.
Video channel:
Megan Reilly Candidate for NK School Committee (6-10-24)
Guest: Megan Reilly, Candidate for N. Kingstown School Committee,
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: Megan Reilly, a teacher and mother of children in North Kingstown schools has been an active citizen, especially in regards to the town’s school system, which has been plagued with many problems. The school system currently has a new superintendent and administrative staff and seems be making progress. Reilly discusses the many problems, issues and concerns of the past and her purpose and optimism for the future. With her experience and involvement to date, she has decided to seek election to the N.K School Committee.
Video channel:
Ukraine and Russia at War: Historical Notes and War Notes (6-10-24)
Guest: Richard August, State of the State Host and Guest,
Host: John Carlevale Time: 30 minutes
Description: Richard August discusses the current Ukraine and Russian war and offers many historical notes and current war notes with the hope that it will aid our understanding of how this came about and what are the implications for present and future. The history of this dates back to the end of World War One with many diverse influences and changes over the years. The results of which are the present circumstance. As August talks us through history, it helps to remind us that there are many different sources of information and interest which we are challenged to understand.
Video channel:
RI League of Cities and
Towns, Topic: Legislative Concerns (5-28-24)
Guest: Ernie Almonte, Executive Director, RI League of Cities and Towns,
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: Almonte discuses a variety of legislation bills
currently before the RI General Assembly which will directly affect city and
town taxpayers. Almost all are unfunded mandates imposed upon RI City and Towns
which cause financial distress on local governments. Bills discussed included Policeman’s
Bill of Rights; Injured While on Duty Benefits; need for a State Presumptive
Fund; Employees with Hypertension; city and town’s need for a fiscal note
performed by legislature to determine the cost a particular mandates; state and
local pensions. The details are import; be sure to watch.
Video channel:
Israel – Hamas War, Topic: Information Sources Influence What We
Know (5-28-24)
Guest: Richard August
Host: John Carlevale Time: 30 minutes
Description: August is a disciplined interviewer and
seeks to know the truth as best he can. As a guest, he is equally disciplined about
his discussion of recent demonstrations at Colleges and a variety of claims
made by various sources. Such claims: the term Palestinian is made up; Oct 7
attack by Hamas was a surprise; Israel is simply “defending itself”; Israel has
laid siege to Gaza; Israel accused of war crimes and genocide; labeling based
on one’s view of matters; Israel is USA’s only Ally in the region; Israel’s response
to 300 drone and missiles attack was a disproportionate response; variations in
terrorist slaughter rate.
Video channel:
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Topic: Vision and Current Roll Out of 988 in RI (5-13-24)
Guests: Karen Jeffreys, Horizon Health Care Partners,
Beth Lamarre, Executive Director, NAMI Rhode Island,
Host: Susan Orban, LICSW, Director, Washington County Coalition for Children
Time: 30 mins
Description: 988 is the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Rhode Island is part of this national effort to provide immediate contact and help to persons in need. Host and guests discuss the vision and current roll out of 988 in RI. Both guests and their organizations are involved in implementing and promoting the 988 effort in RI. The 988 system aims to provide a responsive hotline, a mobile crisis response, and a safe place to be to insure that mental health service is provided when it is most needed (at a time of crisis). Our guests share the details of their success to date and their hopes for the future.
Video channel:
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Topic: Gun Ownership and Mental Health Management (5-13-24)
Guest: Brenda Jacobs. RI Revolver & Rifle Assoc., Secretary and Lobbyist, Certified firearm instructor
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo Time: 30 minutes
Description: Our guest Brenda Jacobs is a gun owner and actively involved in the concerns facing some gun owners and non-gun owners both nationally and locally. Mental health is one of these concerns. She shares with us the concerns that she and many gun owners have about the effect that some gun laws have on individuals who may be in need of mental health services and are gun owners themselves. For example, when a gun is taken away because someone has labeled the gun owner as a threat to himself or others, there is often no appeal process for the gun owner. Jacobs points out many other circumstances which impede the access to mental health services for gun owners.
Video channel:
Production One: May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Topic: Youth Mobile Crisis Services (4-22-24)
Guests: Beth A. Bixby, MSW, LICSW, Chief Executive Officer, Tides Family Services,
Sarah Kelly-Palmer, LIC SW, Chief of Behavioral Health, Family Service of RI,
Host: Susan Orban, LICSW, Director, Washington County Coalition for Children
Time: 30 mins
Description: Our Guests Bixby and Kelly-Palmer and their respective agencies are not only primary providers of youth mobile crisis services but also collaborators. Yes, they are intentionally working together to maximize their effectiveness in providing the mental health services needed by their youth clients and their parents. Their partnership has been effective as evidences by their success rate in meeting the needs of their clientele. This service responds immediately to youth in need and it makes connection promptly to provide helpful service. This is an exceptional operational model that is likely to be replicated in RI.
Video channel:
Production Two: May Is Dental Care Awareness Month
Topic: Dentist Shortage in Rhode Island (4-22-24)
Guest: Aaron Guckian, Executive Director, RI Dental Association,,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Time: 30 minutes
Description: Guckian discusses a number of factors contributing to a rising shortage of dentist in Rhode Island. This fact alone has consequences for people in need of dental service. They cannot access the dental services needed. Children have been especially impacted. Our guest identifies a number of contributing factors, which if addressed properly would improve conditions for dentist and other dental personnel, but most importantly for people in need of dental services. Guckian explicitly identifies what needs to be done and who/what needs to be involved to get it done.
Video channel:
Block Discusses His Book “Disproven,” Part One.
Guest: Ken Block, Author and political activist
Host: John Carlevale
Time: 30 mins
Description: Ken Block explains how he was recruited by the Donald Trump Campaign to research a handful of swing states to find evidence of fraudulent votes…. Block’s search turned into a much broader search and it eventually prompted this realization from him:” I did not know how finding so little would lead to so much.” He talks about the many factors and differences in how voting is handled in some state and within some states and the challenges these presented to him as he did his research. These challenges lead him to this conclusion: “Our elections are in fact rigged and unfair. Not because of voter fraud… Our elections are rigged because the playing field on which our elections are conducted is not level for all.” This latter concern shall be the discussion of Part Two and needed remedies.
Video channel:
McKay Discusses His Candidacy for US Senate
Guest: Ray McKay, Candidate for US Senate,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Time: 30 minutes
Description: Ray McKay introduces himself to Host D’Arezzo and our viewers. He begins with his interest in politics at an early age and his experience supporting other candidates who have a similar political perspective. Retirement has offered him an opportunity to seek elective office at this time. He is particularly concerned about the current political climate in the USA and the needs of many Americans, especially the elderly, whose needs are not being adequately met. A few of his related concerns are the national economy, which is using money in the wrong places. Social Security is a concern because the elderly population is growing exponentially. Green energy is important but it is not the complete solution. New nuclear plants are safer and should be a part of the energy solution.
Video channel:
Questions and Concerns: RIDEM Leased Land in Galilee, RI (3/25/24)
Guest: Albert Alba, PhD., Concerned Citizen
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Time: 30 mins
Description: Guest Alba describes a saga, yet to be resolved, occurring between concerned citizens of Galilee, Narragansett town officials, RI State agencies, and private business interest. The center of concern is the Lighthouse Inn and adjacent property. At the heart of this struggle is local control of property and how it is to be used; “Home Rule” issues of the Town; the role of RIDEM and the Attorney General’s Office; private business entities; and others who have concerns relating to preserving and protecting the particular land area involved. Alba describes stalemate after stalemate of attempts to resolve the issues of local concerned citizens and a resulting increase of local support of their efforts.
REVISED Video channel:
Journalist Snizek Updates Status of Israel/Gaza and Ukraine Wars, Part Four (3/11/24)
Guest: Rick Snizek, Executive Editor, Rhode Island Catholic,
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: Host August discusses with guest Snizek events and concerns which have occurred since Snizek’s last visit to Gaza. He shares conversations had with people he has come to know from previous visits. Some are Palestinian Christians, some military personnel, etc. Some of their accounts are optimistic, some not. There is a common feeling of confusion about the motives and purpose of these wars. Host and guest discuss these variations more explicitly from a number of different viewpoints/sources, which makes for an interesting thirty minutes.
Video channel link:
Women for Gun Rights and Women Rights (3/11/24)
Guests: Michelle Camara, 2nd Amendment advocate, RI Delegate of Women for Gun Rights
Brenda Jacobs, Lobbyist, Certified firearm instructor, Gun rights advocate
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo Time: 30 mins
Description: Guests Camara and Jacobs discuss a variety of topics related to gun rights and women rights and their involvement in encouraging women to participate and become involved in the political process. In reviewing a report on firearm charges in Rhode Island, they discover many cases are still in litigation or have been pleaded out or dismissed. Many of these cases are domestic abuse cases of women. They also discuss gun legislation laws in R.I. and note how nomenclature has been used to imply that all guns are “weapons of war” or nearly so. They have also observed that many legislators have preconceived outcomes and unwilling to learn from gun rights advocates.
Video channel link:
Discussion of Pending Gun Control Legislation, Part Two (2/26/24)
Guest: Rep. Mike Chippendale, Minority Leader
Host: Richard August
Time: 30 mins
Description: Rep. Chippendale offers a view of pending
gun control legislation from a conservative perspective rooted in the US
Constitution’s Second Amendment and common sense. What is the purpose of such legislation
and what is it intended to do and what has actually been the effects or
outcomes? These are questions which enter one’s thoughts as Chippendale offers
his perspective and becomes apparent when he offers answers to such
considerations. A wide range of proposed legislation with varying purposes is
discussed by a well-informed guest and host.
Video channel link:
Niyoka Powell for RI Senate, D 1 (2/26/24)
Guest: Niyoka Powell, Candidate for RI Senate, D 1,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Time: 30 mins
Description: Our guest Niyoka Powell came to America as a young child from Jamaica. Some of her family members are rooted in Jamaica, some in England and some in the USA. She is a well-educated individual, mother, nurse, civic volunteer and recently a candidate for elective office. She offers candid comparisons of the different cultures which have influenced and shaped the person she has become. Her life as an America has influenced her interest in politics along with her career as a human service professional and volunteer. She is interesting and very likeable. See for yourself.
Video channel link:
Rep. Jason Knight on Gun Control Legislation (2/12/24)
Guest: Rep. Jason Knight,
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: Rep. Knight and other legislators from other states met with VP Harris at the Office of Gun Violence Prevention to discuss legislation to be introduced in various states to address gun violence prevention. Guest Knight and Host August discuss the intent and strategies of such legislation and also look back at previous efforts and discuss their relative success and failure. The discussion is informative and not one sided. This interview includes an interesting discussion about which attributes make an automatic rifle; and much more.
Video channel link:
History of N. Providence Basketball Summer League (and more) (2/12/24)
Guest: Len Cabral, Author, storyteller and social activist,, Connecting Cultures Through Stories
Host: Darlene D'Arezzo Time: 30 mins
Description: Guest Cabral is an author, story teller, and social activist. These together characterize his belief and practice that various cultures can be connected through stories, which has been his adult life’s work. But before all this, Cabral played basketball with youngsters from various cultures. Hence he talks about the History of North Providence Basketball Summer League and the in progress making of a film to document this entitled “Meet Me At The Court”. Next, Cabral talks about another devotion of his and offers a brief history of Providence Inner City Arts. And of course, the interview closes with Len sharing and telling a story.
Video channel link:
Patricia Morgan Candidate for US Senate, Part Two (1/22/24)
Guest: Patricia Morgan, Candidate for US Senate,
HOST: Darlene D'Arezzo Time: 30 mins
Description: Morgan discusses legislation she shall submit to address home-owner affordable housing, which is very different than the current approach to housing affordability and shortages. Electricity cost can be lowered and better meet the demands presently and in the future by using the new nuclear energy generation systems. RI has hired outside private agency (aka, Erick System) to manage voter rolls, etc. As personal information is involved, Morgan will submit legislation to make this process a government task, not a private corporation. Morgan believes there should be a One Day Holiday for voting; opposes the governor’s plan to eliminate gas car purchase in RI by 2035; and much more.
Video channel link:
Proposed Changes to RI Election Laws and More (1/22/24)
Guest: Gregg Amore, R.I. Secretary of State,
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: Discussion begins with the propose project to build a facility to house RI’s current and dispersed archives. Focus shifts to proposed changes to RI election laws and processes, which includes changes to candidate declaration date, nomination papers gathering and primary election dates, all regarded as significant improvements as these changes establish earlier times to declare and longer time to gather nomination papers and to have them verified. Discussion touches upon establishing civic education in all schools. Other topics include voter rolls; mail in ballots, security of ballot boxes; same day registration and voting; open primary, rank choice voting and more.
Video channel link:
Patricia Morgan Candidate for US Senate, Part One (1/8/24)
Guest: Patricia Morgan, Candidate for US Senate,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo Time: 30 mins
Description: Candidate Morgan discusses the role of government and its effect on our lives. She shares her personal history and why she decided to seek elective office, first at the local level and now for US Senate. She talks about a number of important issues and concerns: Critical Race Theory in public schools; the need for an Inspector General in RI; the excessive cost of the Viaduct in Providence and now the Washington Bridge structural failure; US debt level of $34 trillion; climate agenda cost; new nuclear generators; and more.
Video channel link:
A Look Back to 2023 and A Look Forward to 2024 (1/8/24)
Guests: Richard August, State of the State Host and Coproducer
Mike Stenhouse, CEO of RI Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Host: John Carlevale Time: 60 mins
Description: During this annual look back (to 2023) and look forward (to 2024), guests August and Stenhouse discuss a variety of matters including but not limited to the following: 2023 RI special election in Congressional District 1; volume of legislation proposed in RI general assembly; RI budget; RI economy; upcoming national elections; candidates Biden and Trump; effect of judicial system on elections; US southern border; Ukraine war; Israel war; US relationship with Iran; and much more between.
Video channel link:
Israel and Gaza, Part 3 Photos 12-11-2023 This video is Part 3 of the trip to Israel and Gaza taken by Journalist Rick Snizek. It is a collection of photos taken by him during his trip immediately after the terrorist attack of Oct. 7, 2023. It is approximately 7 minutes in duration.
Click the link below to view.
Israel/Gaza, Part Two: Events Following the Terrorist Attack of Oct 7 (12/11/23)
Guest: Rick Snizek, Executive Editor, Rhode Island Catholic,
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: In Part Two, Journalist Snizek traveled to various locations throughout Israel and Gaza. He viewed various locations and met a variety of people. His descriptions of both are interesting and educational. Example: His impression of Palestinians is that most are not the terrorist. They simply want to live in peace, be safe and care for their families. They are held captive by the militant faction, which is small in number but very powerful. Snizek also comments that local reporting can differ very much from IDF reports. So it can be difficult to determine where the truth lies. And there is so much more he shared with Host August. .
Please note: Catholic Near East Welfare Association so people can donate. The website is: Thank you.
Video channel link:
The Vietnam War, Part Two: Implications for Other US Interventions (12/11/23)
Guest: Reggie Centracchio, Adjutant General, R.I. National Guard, Retired
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: General Centracchio brings to bear his military experience more full in Part Two. Both he and Host August talk about various military strategies over time and referencing different military engagements over time. Their impressions are likely to confirm those of many of our viewers. Centracchio’s account of how the National Guard’s role has changed significantly over time is interesting and educational, especially in regard to the National Guard having allegiance to two heads of state-the US President and a State Governor.
Video channel link:
The Vietnam War, Part One (12/11/23)
Guests: Reggie Centracchio, Adjutant General, R.I. National Guard, Retired
Francis Flaherty, Associate Justice, R.I. Supreme Court, Retired
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: Host August begins the discussion with an overview and synopsis of the Vietnam War. Guests Centracchio and Flaherty recall their personal experiences as participants during the war and measure those experiences today against their subsequent experiences as professionals and as more experienced men. Their insights suggest that some aspects of war have changed significantly while others unfortunately have not. The particulars of this discussion and recollections are often emotional and philosophic.
Video channel link:
Israel and Gaza, Part 1: Recent Experience in Israel and Gaza Following the Terrorist Attack (12/11/23)
Guest: Rick Snizek, Executive Editor, Rhode Island Catholic,
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: Journalist Snizek traveled to Israel and Gaza to get some first-hand experience and insights. What he experienced in the few days he was there were extreme and challenging within any given day and any given moment. This was so far from any experience he has had as a citizen in the USA. His first day, just 45 minutes after arriving there was an alarm sounding, followed by people running to shelter and seconds after rockets could be seen and subsequently shot down by Israel’s defense system. And there is so much more he shared with Host August.
Video channel link:
A Holiday Special Featuring the Aristocats. Enjoy!
Aristocats, reconfigured (11-22-21)
Aristocats band members:
Lloyd Kaplan, Leader, saxophone, clarinet, vocals; Joe Holtzman, drum; Stan Holtzman, keyboard; Dennis Pratt, bass, vocals
Host: John Carlevale
After two years of not performing music due to the Covid19 pandemic and the death of band member Nat Piccirilli, the Aristocats have regrouped and reconfigured. They are performing once again. We meet the newest member of the band and reconnect with former members. They perform some of greatest songs by some of the most famous writers of music. This special production is dedicated in memory of Nat Piccirilli, who appears at the end in a brief video of his last performance on State of the State at age 97.
The Big River Reservoir Project (10/23/23)
Guests: Keven Breene, West
Greenwich Town Administrator
Victor Moffitt, Author - Eminent
Domain Violated in Rhode Island,
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: The beginning of this topic of discussion
began nearly 65 years ago and continues today. Why? The proposed Big River
Reservoir was determined that it would not hold water by the Army Corp of
Engineer’s Geologic Survey and thus was never built. Nevertheless, many other
uses have been proposed over the years including the most recent idea which is
discussed by the guests in this interview. Guests assert that this current
suggested use is not legal under Eminent Domain Law and they propose that the
property be returned to its original owners or their family survivors.
Video channel link:
School Construction Bonds (10/23/23)
Guests: Lisa Daft, Barrington
resident, Holly Quinn, North
Kingstown resident, and Rickey Thompson,
North Kingstown resident
Host: Jessica Drew Day Time: 30 mins
Description: Rhode Island cities
and towns have been offered incentives by the State to build new school
buildings through the bonding process. Our guests (and they are not alone)
believe that this is not a good idea for a number of cities and towns. They
share their concerns; point out some pitfalls; offer alternative approaches to
new and costly construction and costly bonding, among other matters discussed.
Guests and host encourage viewers to find out what plans their city or town is
planning and what the impact may be in terms of costs to their community and to
individual property taxes. For more information contact: or
Video channel link:
Gabe Amo for US Congress (10/10/23)
Guest: Gabe Amo, Candidate for US Congress,
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: Candidate Amo discusses a few topics which highlight his campaign. He discusses his pledge to ban assault weapons and addressing the role mental health plays; supports Red Flag Laws; protecting Social Security and indexing cost of living adjustment to factors impacting; codify Roe vs Wade nationally; climate change; voting rights; immigration law needs a comprehensive over-hall. He supports term limits for Congress and Supreme Court.
Video channel link:
Analysis of Special Primary Election for US House D1 (9/11/23)
Guest: Mike Stenhouse, CEO RI
Center for Freedom and Prosperity,
Host: Richard August Time: 58 mins
Description: This show focuses on the results of the
special primary election for US Congress D1. Guest and Host share their analysis
of the results and their implications for the upcoming special general election.
They discuss a variety of related topics including but not limited to the
following: the cross over vote; use of false narratives; individual candidate
results and the emergence of the party winners Gabe Amo (D) and Gerry Leonard (R);
core values and strategies employed by the candidates and their respective political
parties; and more. The interview ends with a discussion of national matters and
Video channel link:
Spencer Dickinson for US Congress (8/21/23)
Guest: Spencer Dickinson,
Candidate for US Congress,
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: Candidate Dickinson, a moderate Democrat has
some major concerns which have contributed to his candidacy. They include but
are not limited to the following: reform
of the state and municipal pension systems (the last effort “stole” money from
pensioners); solving the gun violence problem where it originates at criminal
behavior and mental health concerns; solving problems at the border begin with
closing the border first and foremost and fixing and enforcing immigration law/rules;
student loan forgiveness does not work and is unfair; he supports parental
rights in schools and elsewhere.
Video channel link:
Stephen Casey for US Congress (8/21/23)
Guest: Stephen Casey, Candidate for US Congress,
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: Candidate Casey, a moderate
Democrat explains his position on various issues and concerns. He
supports driver license for undocumented as a path to citizenship; border
practices have become misguided and need correction; supports a national
abortion rights initiative but is against late term or partial birth abortion;
supports 2nd Amendment; gun
laws should focus on illegal guns and practices; climate change is an issue
which needs infrastructure policy; “Medicare for All” efforts have not worked
but other measures are needed like controlling drug cost; he does not support
student loan forgiveness-it is a maturity and responsibility issue; supports
parent rights….
Video channel link:
Aaron Regunberg for US Congress (8/7/23)
Guest: Aaron Regunberg,
Candidate for US Congress,
Host: Richard August Time: 30 mins
Description: Candidate Regunberg describes himself as a progressive
Democrat and shares his view of what this means to him. The recent finding of
false signatures on the campaign nomination papers of Sabinal Matos raises his
concerns that this incident may discourage voters and their confidence in the
voting process. Other important topics relating to his campaign and standing on
various issues are discussed with Host August and these make for interesting
discussions. The interview ends with Regunber talking directly to the viewing
Video channel link:
Dare to Dream Ranch: Recent Growth and Development (8/7/23)
Guest: Karen Dalton, Founder and Executive VP, Dare
to Dream Ranch,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo Time:
30 mins
Description: Dalton updates us on the more recent
improvements, growth and development of the Dare to Dream Ranch, which
offers a variety of activities and experiences for military veterans and their
family members. These experiences are
offered for fun and enjoyment and to promote emotional and mental health growth
and development. Some of the many experiences offered are equine facilitated
coaching; gardening; fly fishing; woodworking; bee keeping; farming; military
development; and more have mental health benefit and are at no cost to clients. Upcoming Gala Event is September 16th
at the Crown Plaza in Warwick, RI.
Video channel link:
A Review of Legislative Session and the
Integrity of Elections (7/24/23)
Guest: Mike Chippendale,
Representative and House Minority Leader
Host: Richard August
Description: The
recent discovery of fraudulent signatures gathered in the Sabina Matos campaign
prompted a discussion of other implications regarding the integrity of
elections in Rhode Island and the views and concerns of the legitimate voting
public. Subsequently, discussion turned to a review of the recently ended
legislative session. The increase in the RI budget was explained with concerns for
the future following. Leader Chippendale was especially pleased with the
improved working relationship between the two political parties, especially
relating to the budget and some important legislative matters.
Video channel link:
A Twelve-Year Retrospective
(7/24/23) Commentator: Richard August
Description: Host and commentator for this show,
August discusses how attitudes, values, political shifts and much more have
changed during the past twelve years. His concerns are shared by many Rhode
Islanders who have become progressively disenfranchised in many varied ways.
Some have given up but August points out that this is no solution. Rather he
encourages and believes that greater involvement in community and greater
exercise of their political citizenship is the solution. The producers of State
of the State encourage greater participation of different points of view on
this show and welcome all views. This is our stated purpose and commitment.
Video channel link:
Production One: Baseball to Politics and Much Between (7/10/23)
Guest: Mike Stenhouse, CEO RI Center for Freedom and Prosperity,
Host: Richard August
Description: Guest and host talk baseball to politics and much between. The between includes driver permits for undocumented immigrants; state budget of $14 billion; affordable housing and related homelessness; access to shoreline vs. private property ownership; and gun control legislation. On the national front: 1st Congressional seat candidates; open boarders; a voting season vs. Election Day voting; US budget deficit vs. national debt; declining approval ratings of incumbent national leaders (puzzling).
Video channel link:
School Safety (6/26/23)
Guests: Tim Colgan, former Captain Warwick Police Dept. member of School Safety Now
Kevin McCormick, SVP Global Sales and Marketing for Campus Safety Products
Host: Richard August
Description: School Safety Now recently started in Rhode Island in response to increase in school shooting nationwide and the need for better school safety locally. Tim Colgan is a retired police Captain and Keven McCormick is involved in providing school safety products nationwide. Both believe that school safety is best achieved with adequately trained security officers. Polices officers are best suited because their training is ongoing and trained to function under duress. Cost of police officers in schools should be provided by the State not by already burdened municipalities.
Video channel link:
Civic Education and Ecubed Justice League (6/26/23)
Guest: John Healy, RI Civic Education Teacher of the Year
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: John Healy is the first teacher to be recognized as the RI Civic Education Teacher of the Year. He talks about his teaching, his school and especially his students, who became active participants in their school’s Ecubed Justice League project. Healy took his students through the legislative process and students eventually were able to have introduced a bill in the R.I. general assembly regarding student mental health needs. The focus of this bill was based on student needs relating to their mental health. The bill was held for further study.
Video channel link:
June 12- Women’s Veterans Day (6/12/23)
Guest: Mary Goff, Military Nurse Veteran Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: This show celebrates Women’s Veterans Day and the 75th anniversary of Women’s Armed Services Integration Act. We also celebrate our guest Mary Goff, Military Nurse Veteran, for her service and her experiences which she shares with us during this interview. Her service began at age 22 in Japan where she and other medical personnel received wounded military persons from Vietnam. She shares her journey as a nurse and her realization at age 55 that she too suffered PTSD-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder- a common result of war experience. Her experience with PTSD motivated her to become an advocate for others with this condition and to help them to tell their own personal stories.
Video channel link:
This interview is part of a series of interviews in support of May is Mental Health Awareness Month 2023.
RI Children’s System of Care Activities (5-8-23)
Guests: Marti Rosenberg, Director of Policy, Planning, and Research at EOHHS
Ana Novais, Acting Secretary at EOHHS
EOHHS: The Executive Office of Health and Human Services,
Host: Susan Orban, Director at Washington County Coalition for Children,
Description: EOHHS is engaged in creating a broad and effective comprehensive system of care for both people who are served directly by state agencies and those who are outside of state services but are nevertheless in need of such services. This interview focuses on children’s mental health system of care services. Guests discuss a wide array of services and concerns, which include prevention, crisis, expanding the service array (beyond DCYF clientele), care management, family care partnerships, residential and outside care, Many other concerns and challenges are mentioned along with what is hoped to be achieved.
Link to video:
This interview is part of a series of interviews in support of May is Mental Health Awareness Month 2023.
Women in the Military and Mental Health Issues (5-8-23)
Guest: Melanie Costa, Certified Peer Support Specialist at Providence VA Medical Center Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Costa talks of her military experience beginning in the Marine Corps and later in the Army Reserve. Both took her to places outside of her home in Rhode Island. She had to adjust to not only different environments but also to different cultures with strongly imbedded hostility toward and lack of trust of others. While serving in the military, one particular experience gravely affected her mental health and sense of wellbeing. She was sexual abuse by a military officer. Costa candidly describes this experience, confronted her shame, found help, which helped returned her to better mental health.
Link to video:
Television broadcast dates, times and channels
Saturday, May 27 + Jun
3 at 7:00 PM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9
Sunday, May 28 + Jun 4
at 8:00 AM on Cox channel 13, Verizon channel 32, and Full Channel 9
Monday, May 29 + Jun 5
at 9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
Wednesday, May 31 + Jun
7 at 5:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31
Thursday, Jun 1 +8 at
9:00 PM on Cox channel 18, Verizon channel 31, and Full Channel 9
These two interviews are
part of a series of interviews in support of
May is Mental Health Awareness
Month 2023.
Production One: Legislative Actions to Address RI’s Youth Mental Health Crisis (5-22-23)
Guests: Senator Alana DiMario,
RI Senate, District 36
Teresa Ann Tanzi, RI House, District 34
Host: Susan Orban, Director at Washington County
Coalition for Children,
Description: The RI system of care for children
is complicated, with many state agencies involved. Some child advocates would
also add that this system lacks leadership and is comprised of differing systems
of care. These systems lack parity as related to insurance coverage, with wide
variations among various plans. The mental health workforce is insufficient to
meet current needs. Our two guests are legislators who have been working diligently
to improve services of care for children. Their efforts are noteworthy.
Link to video:
Production Two: Sojourner House Strives to Meet Community Mental Health Needs (5-22-23)
Guest: Vanessa Volz, Executive
Director, Sojourner House,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Sojourner Hose was established in 1976 to help meet community
mental health needs. The hotline was the initial service. Executive Director
Volz describes how the agency has grown and diversified to offer various services.
Currently a large part of services address domestic violence, housing needs, temporary
shelter, immigration services, work with and on behalf of children and much
more. For more information visit
Link to video:
This interview is part of a series of interviews in support of May is Mental Health Awareness Month 2023
Legislative Actions to Address RI’s Youth Mental Health Crisis (5-22-23)
Guests: Senator Alana DiMario, RI Senate, District 36 Representative Teresa Ann Tanzi, RI House, District 34
Host: Susan Orban, Director at Washington County Coalition for Children,
Description: The RI system of care for children is complicated, with many state agencies involved. Some child advocates would also add that this system lacks leadership and is comprised of differing systems of care. These systems lack parity as related to insurance coverage, with wide variations among various plans. The mental health workforce is insufficient to meet current needs. Our two guests are legislators who have been working diligently to improve services of care for children. Their efforts are noteworthy.
Link to video:
This interview is part of a series of interviews in support of May is Mental Health Awareness Month 2023
Sojourner House Strives to Meet Community Mental Health Needs (5-22-23)
Guest: Vanessa Volz, Executive Director, Sojourner House, Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Sojourner Hose was established in 1976 to help meet community mental health needs. The hotline was the initial service. Executive Director Volz describes how the agency has grown and diversified to offer various services. Currently a large part of services address domestic violence, housing needs, temporary shelter, immigration services, work with and on behalf of children and much more.
For more information visit
Link to video:
This interview is the first in a series of interviews in support of May is Mental Health Awareness Month 2023.
Promoting Mental Wellness Using The Greatest 8 Skills (2-13-23)
Guest: Ellen Flannery-Schroeder, PhD, URI;
Guest Host: Susan Orban, Washington County Coalition for Children
Description: The Greatest 8 project is geared to helping parents to help their young children develop mental wellness skills at an early age. This is a skill set that is functional throughout the life cycle. The eight skills are foundational and are a valuable guide in helping parents, teachers and others who care for and work with children to help them promote mental health in children for life.
Visit for more information.
Link to video:
RIDE Curriculum Mandates (3-13-23)
Guest: Mike Stenhouse, CEO, RI
Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Host: Richard August
Description: Guest Stenhouse discusses RIDE
curriculum mandates for social studies and history. His organization RI Center
for Freedom and Prosperity sponsored a review of the curriculum. It concluded
that Rhode Island’s incomplete social studies standards shortchange students by
teaching radical activism instead of America’s birthright of liberty. Furthermore,
history studies are missing important facts and are more a method for
ideological indoctrination. Stenhouse invites viewers to visit for more information.
Link to video:
Hunter Safety and Aquatic Resource Education (3-13-23)
Guest: Dana Kopec, Technical
Assistant, Aquatic Resource and Hunter Safety Education, Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Kopec specifically discusses DEM’s Aquatic Resource and Hunter Safety Education
Programs, which she is particularly involved in, especially the programs for
women. She talks about such topics as hunter safety; standards; responsibilities;
different season for various types of hunting and fishing; and more. An
interesting offering of the aquatic resource program is raising salmon eggs in
school classrooms, where students observe egg hatching and subsequently
relocate the young salmon to appropriate bodies of water in RI. For more
information visit the RI Division of Fish and Wildlife.
Link to video:
Introducing the RI Forward Party (2-27-23)
Guests: Jim Palmisciano and Sarah
R, Forward Party members, Host: John Carlevale
Description: From time to time a third party
movement emerges at the national and/or state level. The reasons for this are
discussed. The National Forward Party asserts that it “is fighting for the
American people with practical, common-sense solutions. While other political
parties look to divide America into different camps, the Forward Party aims to
bring them together.” It further describes itself as “not left, not right,
FORWARD.” Guests describe their local RI focus: Rank Choice Voting; redistricting;
ballot access; bringing people together to work on common solutions; and more.
Link to video:
Exercising Your Political Citizenship (2-27-23)
Guest: Jessica Drew-Day, Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Jessica Drew-Day shares with us how
she learned to begin to exercise her political citizenship. The process she
engaged in helped her learn more about how Rhode Island state government works
and her journey empowered her to become a candidate for the RI House of Representatives.
She shares the process she went through and the things she learned in a step by
step manner. Her message is simple and assuring: try it; you can do it too!
Link to video:
A Discussion with Secretary Gregg Amore (2-13-23)
Guest: Gregg Amore, Secretary
of State,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Secretary Amore offers an overview
of the areas he has begun working on. These include elections, specifically
voter registration and preparation for elections; business regulation; State
records and archives; State library; and enhancing the civics education
function. He acknowledged being an advocate for same day voter registration at
the state level as it is permitted for presidential elections. Voter
registration has undergone a cleanup in removing 60 thousand inactive voters.
Rank choice voting; civics curriculum; enhancing business services; building a
State Archives facility were also spoken about.
Link to video:
Promoting Mental Wellness using The Greatest 8 Skills (2-13-23)
Guest: Ellen Schroeder, PhD,
Guest Host: Susan Orban, Washington County
Coalition for Children
Description: The Greatest 8 project is geared to
helping parents to help their young children develop mental wellness skills at
an early age. This is a skill set that is functional throughout the life cycle.
The eight skills are foundational and are a valuable guide in helping parents,
teachers and others who care for and work with children to help them promote
mental health in children for life. Visit for more information.
Link to video:
ONE: RI State Police K-9 Unit and K-9 Movie Star
Ruby (7/11/22)
Guest: Corporal Daniel O’Neil,
K-9 Unit Coordinator, RI State Police Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Colonel O’Neil acquaints us with the K-9 Unit of the RI State Police and
describes how his search and rescue dog Ruby became a star in the movie
“Rescued by Ruby.” Ruby died shortly after the movie was completed. O’Neil
introduces us to his current work partner, Coda who sat beside him throughout
this entire interview. We learn how the K-9 unit was established, the variety
of “disciplines” such as search and rescue and a newly established discipline
for certain dogs “therapy/comfort.” The interview is not only enlightening, but
also inspirational.
Video channel link:
TWO: RI State Police Museum Foundation (6/13/22)
Guests: Ret. Lt. Kenneth Bowman, RI State Police Museum
Ret. Lt. James T. Beck, RI State Police Museum Foundation, Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Guests are retired RI State Police and
members of RI State Police Museum Foundation .
They talk about how the museum originated and the persons
involved. They offered a video which provides an overview of its creation and
another about Trooper O’Brien, who died while on duty during Hurricane Carol.
They share not only their memories but also commentary on some favorite topics:
Troopers in Uniforms on the Dave Letterman Show; Red Disk use; the unique
Social Investigator Corp; the upcoming 100 year book and 2025 Centennial; the charity
events hosted by the Museum Foundation; and more.
Video channel link:
R.I. Gun Magazine Limits Before Court (1-23-23)
Guests: Dane Ardente, Attorney with KSP Law Host: Richard August
Description: The R.I legislature recently passed
a law limiting gun magazine capacity to 10 rounds and requires that magazines
larger than 10 rounds must be relinquished to the state. A group of plaintiffs
asked the Federal District Court to issue a preliminary injunction/temporary
restraining order so the plaintiffs could be heard in court before the law goes
into effect and causes harm to gun owners. This case has many complexities and
constitutional concerns, which are discussed during this interview.
Link to video:
Trends and Expectations (12/21/22)
Guest: Derek
Amey, StregisPoint Investment Advisor,
Host: Richard August Time: 30
Description: Investment advisor Derek Amey discusses a variety of economic
conditions and trends with reasons for these and speculations regarding what we
might expect during 2023. Economic market trends, current inflation, and a future
anticipated recession considerations are discussed. An historical comparison of
USA national debt from @1988 to present is mind-bending. Lastly and somewhat
confounding is a discussion of energy needs and sources vis-vis the move to
renewal sources of energy. Can developing cleaner energy sources be
accomplished without petroleum?
Video link:
Rowley’s view of current politics (12/12/22)
Guest: Travis Rowley, Host of podcast Good Men
To subscribe to Rowley’s newsletter, use this email address:
Host: Richard August Time: 60 minutes
Description: A broad range of topics are discussed including Donald Trump; social media; Universities; Silicon Valley; free speech; public education; private life and more and how these have been influenced by politics. The main political influences are particularly the far left liberal politics and conservative politics and their inability to reach common ground for the public good. In their tug of war over political influence, one side has become and remains dominant.
Video link:
2022 Midterm Election Retrospective (11/12/22) Guest: Richard August, State of the State Host and Co-producer Host: John Carlevale Time: 60 minutes Description: Guest and host discuss a wide range of topics and concerns in looking back at the 2022 election. Their discussion includes the impact of campaign advertising and strategies; a lack of candidate clarity; impact of Donald Trump in this past and the next election; the coming energy crisis; and border crisis to mention just a few. How has the new “voting season” and increased use of mail ballots effected the election process and political party candidates? Given these and other influencing factors, who is likely to be the next president and which political party is likely to benefit the most?
Midterm Election Review (11/14/22)
Guests: Darlene
D’Arezzo, State of the State Host and Co-producer
Mike Stenhouse, Host and producer of In the Dugout; CEO of RI Center for
Freedom and Prosperity
Host: John Carlevale Time: 60
Description: Guests and host discuss a wide range of topics and
concerns in their review of factors which have influenced midterm election
results. Topics included RI statewide office outcomes; top election issues
nationally and locally; political party strategies; political ads; campaign
money; polarization and dominance by one political party; voting procedures;
and the emergence of a new third party movement and much more.
Video link:
Secretary of State Candidates Debate (10/24/22)
Guests: Gregg Amore, candidate for Secretary of State,
Pat Cortelessa, candidate for Secretary of State,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo Time: 60 minutes
Description: Candidates Amore and Cortelessa begin by connecting their respective personal and professional experiences as these relate to the office they seek. The topics discussed include the various jurisdictional roles of the Office of Secretary of State; elections process fair and safe; their perspective regarding early voting; ballot harvesting; the shared responsibility of the Board of Election and the Secretary of State regarding elections; and many other matters betwixt and between. Toward the end, the candidates ask questions of each other. Throughout, Amore and Cortelessa maintain a respectful attitude of each other, their difference on certain matters and the process of their discussion.
Video link:
A Veteran’s Journey from Combat to Advocacy (10/24/22)
Guest: Captain Randell Bagwell,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo Time: 32 minutes
Description: Captain Bagwell candidly shares his life’s journey from boyhood; his early work experience and business endeavors, his first military experience when her was injured, discharged and later rejoined for his second Navy experience. This journey included work for Electric Boat and General Dynamics; marriage and parenthood; various business endeavors; and then a return to cattle farming but this time in Rhode Island. This interesting journey began in childhood and transitioned to young adulthood, and then to combat, followed by his return to civilian life and farming in Rhode Island, to his involvement and service to other veterans.
Video link:
James Lathrop for General Treasurer (10/11/22)
Guest: James Lathrop, Candidate for General Treasurer, Host: Richard August
Description: The discussion begins with a review of state and federal pensions and cost of living adjustments and how they are managed in the Treasurer’s Office. Lathrop suggests a more fair way of giving COLAs to those retired. Discussion includes how investment gains are applied and reported; unfunded liabilities; cost of living and cost of doing business in Rhode Island; and more. “I am really about the finances” stresses Lathrop and he asserts that his public service financial management experience suits him best for the position of General Treasures.
Video link:
Aaron Guckian for Lt. Governor (10/11/22)
Guest: Aaron Guckian , Candidate for Lt. Governor, Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Guckian asserts that qualifications matter in the Lt. Governor’s race before he begins his review of his work experience whiles explaining his view of the office and his fit and goals. Part of the job is meeting with the people and agencies the Lt. Gov. oversees. He points out that Sabina Matos has been characteristically absent from these. In response to how he compares and contrasts himself with Matos, Guckian shows his past experience and familiarity with the workings of government as a distinct advantage. A message he repeats: “Matos doesn’t show up!” “She is not here.”
Video link:
Calenda for Attorney General (9/26/22)
Guest: Chas Calenda, Candidate
for Attorney General,
Host: Richard August
Description: Calenda believes that
the Office of Attorney General should exemplify “law above politics.” He
believes the current AG Peter Neronha is an activist attorney general pushing a
political/partisan agenda. Calenda further believes that the role of the AG is
to be the people’s attorney. These beliefs drive his candidacy. The discussion
also addresses other topics: gun control; Second Amendment rights; use of
emergency powers; driver licenses for illegal residents; oversight of police
shootings; violent and habitual offenders; and more. Video link:
Kalus for Governor (9/26/22)
Guest: Ashley Kalus, Candidate
for Governor,
Host: Richard August
Description: Kalus asserts that
she will fight for Rhode Island and it’s citizens to make the state affordable
to live in with high performing schools for its children, parents and teachers.
She provides an overview of the partnership she will develop to improve
schools, which shall include public school choice. Other topics discussed
include: guns laws; Second Amendment rights; mental health concerns; abortions
rights; illegal resident driver permit rather than license; and more.
Video link:
Guckian for Lt. Governor (9/12/22)
Guest: Aaron Guckian, Candidate
for Lt. Governor,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Navigating government
systems can be difficult, complicated and time consuming. He first came to
recognize this as a special assistant to Governor Don Carcieri. Guckian plans
to remedy this by creating a help center within the Lt. Governor’s Office. His
professional background is varied and includes education, athletics, banking,
private sector fund raising, and more. He does not believe there should be a
political class. People should serve for a limited time and return to the
private sector. For more information, visit his website:
Video link:
Lathrop for General Treasurer (9/12/22)
Guest: James Lathrop, Candidate
for General Treasurer, Host: Richard August
Description: Lathrop, a certified
public accountant, has spent a career in private and public accounting sectors.
He believes that the General Treasure position is not a political position; it
is a public/government accounting position. This belief has prompted him to
make a “transparency pledge.” Forbes Magazine has noted that neither of the
other two Democrat candidates for this office has agreed to make this pledge.
The discussion includes the pension systems; cost of living suspension and
restoration; the huge cost of other benefits like health care cost, and more.
Visit Lathrop’s website
Video link:
Segal for US Congress (8/22/22)
Guest: David Segal, Candidate
for US Congress,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Segal discusses his
history of political activism and service as a member of Providence City
Council and RI General Assembly. His concerns include corporate dominance and
its often adverse effects on small business; economic development; and
environmental concerns. He favors increasing the minimum wage and supports a “Medicare
for all” approach to managing medical cost and services and diminishing the
influence of insurance companies. On 2nd Amendment rights, he
supports current legislative efforts to limit or ban assault style weapons.
Video link:
Pence for Lt. Governor (8/22/22)
Guest: Paul Pence, Candidate
for Lt. Governor, Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Pence regards the
Office of Lt. Governor as a unique position and opportunity for serving the
people of Rhode Island. He explains this notion in his discussions of two responsibilities
of the Lt. Governor: emergency management and the small business advisory
council. Outside of the Lt. Governor’s office, he explains how his knowledge and
skill-set can be used to improve performance in the Division of Motor Vehicles
and the Department of Children, Youth, and Families. He is a 2nd
Amendment advocate who views gun control efforts as dominated by emotion and
political actions rather than logic and problem solving approaches and outcomes.
Video link:
Ruggiero for Lt. Governor (7/25/22)
Guest: Deborah Ruggieru,
Candidate for Lt. Governor, Host: Richard August
Description: Ruggiero
has served as a RI Representative for 14 years with devotion to four areas of
interest: the economy, education, environment, and the elderly. She plans to
continue this focus in the Office of Lt. Governor by being an advocate/ombudsman
and serving as a bridge between the legislature and governor’s office. One of
her goals is to restore the Department of Elderly Affairs to cabinet level once
again; it has been reduced to an Office… Throughout the conversation, she
skillfully weaves these four areas together as a potential power source of jobs
and economic development.
Video channel link:
Spencer Dickinson for US Congress (7/25/22)
Guest: Spencer Dickinson, Candidate for US
Congress, District 2, Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Dickinson has served in the RI legislature
during two distinct time periods, which has influenced his current concerns and
issues. He believes that the Democratic Party in is need of restoration: bring
is back to a more moderate political party or suffer the consequences. Issues which are most important include
preserving Social Security; managing health care; global warming; border
concerns; threat of nuclear war and international relations; and more. A very
special concern needing to be addressed is pension reform at both the state and
municipal level.
Video channel link:
Unit and K-9 Movie Star Ruby (7/11/22)
Guest: Corporal Daniel O’Neil,
K-9 Unit Coordinator, RISP Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Colonel
O’Neil acquaints us with the K-9 Unit of the RI State Police and describes how
his search and rescue dog Ruby became a star in the movie “Rescued by Ruby.” Ruby
died shortly after the movie was released. O’Neil introduces us to his current
work partner, Koda who sat beside him throughout this entire interview. We
learn how the K-9 unit was established, the variety of “disciplines” such as
search and rescue and a newly established discipline for certain dogs “therapy/comfort.”
The interview is not only enlightening, but also inspirational.
Video channel link:
Production Two: Recent Gun Control Legislation/Recent Supreme
Court Decision, #2 (7/11/22)
Guest: Richard Sinapi, Attorney and gun control
advocate Host: Richard August
Description: This interview is a follow up to a
previous interview on this topic but is viewed from the perspective of a gun
control advocate. Sinapi points out that all rights are not absolute and are
limited to some degree. Regarding gun control laws, Sinapi asserts that any
law, even if marginal is a step in the right direction. The discussion focuses
on recent laws passed in Rhode Island and the recent Supreme Court decision
regarding the right to carry a gun for self-protection. Regarding the later, to
be continued.
Video channel link:
Gun Control Legislation/Recent Supreme Court Decision (6/27/22
Guest: Frank Soccoccio, attorney and president of the RI 2nd
Amendment Coalition, Home (
Host: Richard August
Description: This
interview focuses on the recent gun control legislation passed by the RI
general assembly and the recent Supreme Court decision regarding the right to
carry a firearm. The discussion includes the general content of the laws passed
and their anticipated effects; various aspects of the laws like magazine limitations;
conceal carry permits; differences in the permitting practices; anticipated
court action resulting; the required surrender of personal property; etc. An
interesting fact is that less than one half of one percent of the Rhode
Islanders have a firearm carry permit.
Video channel link:
May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
This is the fifth in our series of interviews in support of mental health awareness.
How Therapy Helps Us
Navigate through Life’s Challenges (2/27/22)
Guest: Mike Cerrullo, mental health practitioner Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Host and guest are mental
health practitioners. They discuss how
therapy helps us navigate through life’s challenges and the various approaches therapists,
including themselves, use to help people manage their personal lives. Included
in this discussion is the reluctance/resistance to seeking help and the
barriers associated. Goals of therapy typically include how to remain well and healthy;
understanding what factors have contributed to their situation; the troubles
and problems they will learn to manage, and much more.
Video channel link:
RI State Police Museum Foundation (6/13/22)
Guests: Ret. Lt. Kenneth Bowman, RI State Police Museum
Ret. Lt. James T. Beck, RI State Police Museum Foundation,
Host: Darlene D’Arezzo
Description: Guests are retired RI State Police and
members of RI State Police Museum Foundation .
They talk about how the museum originated and the persons
involved. They offered a video which provides an overview of its creation and
another about Trooper O’Brien, who died while on duty during Hurricane Carol.
They share not only their memories but also commentary on some favorite topics:
Troopers in Uniforms on the Dave Letterman Show; Red Disk use; the unique
Social Investigator Corp; the upcoming 100 year book and 2025 Centennial; the
charity events hosted by the Museum Foundation; and more. Video channel link:
Cortellessa for Secretary of State (5/23/22)
Guest: Pat Cortellessa, Candidate for Secretary of State,
Host: John Carlevale Time: 30 minutes
Description: Cortellessa focuses on
the need for fair and equitable election rules and laws. He begins with an
assessment of the Let RI Vote Act before the RI General Assembly and
continues with concerns of excessive use of mail ballots; mail ballot harvesting;
method of confirming of signatures on mail ballots; accuracy of the official
voter list; and voter fraud cases in RI. Cortellessa also comments on the
recent reports of a census over-count of 55,000 residents in RI: What was the
consequence? Who was responsible? What action taken?
Video channel link: YouTube link:
May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
This is the fourth in our series of interviews in support of mental health awareness. Intervention, Readiness and Treatment (5/23/22)
Guest: Kate Duffy, Interventionist and Recovery Coach, Tipping Point
Host: Darlene
D’Arezzo Time: 30 minutes
Description: Duffy begins with a
candid account of her own addiction to alcohol and its impact on her life, her
family members and her current work as an intervention and recovery coach. She
describes the trials, challenges, and failures of getting the help she needed.
Over time and with greater self-awareness, she eventual succeeds in becoming
sober and begun her transition to becoming a helpful agent of change for
others. She now is President of Tipping Point Recovery and continues to work
with persons with addiction problems and provides training to others to become
effective mental health practitioners themselves.
Video channel link:
May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
This is the third in our series of interviews in support of mental health awareness. Promoting Children’s Mental Health (5/9/22)
Guests: Louise
Kiessling, Andrea Martin, and Susan Orban – Washington County Coalition for
Host: Susan
Orban Time: 30 minutes
Description: Dr. Kiesslink offers
an overview of the mental health status of children. Unfortunately, there has
been a trend of diminishing health and helpful treatment is not readily
available nationwide. She cites some of the local efforts to find or create
helpful treatment options; but supply of these falls short of the growing
demand. Martin describes the use of literature (bibliotherapy) as a helpful
approach to helping children of varying ages. She introduces a small sampling
of books their efforts have found appropriate and helpful. Orban describes
current programs
Video channel link:
Robert Lancia for Congress (4/25/22)
Guest: Robert Lancia, Candidate for Congress, District 2,
Host: Richard August Time: 30 minutes
Description: Lancia talks about his experience as a state representative and a multitude state and national of issues and concerns, which motivate his candidacy. Topics include federal debt; universal pre-k education; school choice; teaching of Critical Race Theory in schools; environmental concerns; border security; inflation; cancellation of student debt; voting laws; taxing the wealthy more; Ukraine war; statehood for Porter Rico; increasing number of Supreme Court judges; gun control; and more. Lancia believes that his work as a state representative has adequately prepared him for the national House of Representatives.
Video channel link:
Magaziner for Congress (5/9/22)
Guest: Seth Magaziner, Candidate for Congress, District 2 | | |